Monday, July 6, 2015

"Thing 1: Blogging"

 I did it!   So, here is my story...and I'm sticking to it.   The assignment asks to tell a little about ourselves.  I will begin by saying that I am an old school librarian...not necessarily "old" but "old school".  I don't usually jump into something new with both feet.  I need to take baby steps, slowly, and I need to understand all the details first.

I love being a librarian.  I love having my own library..actually two!  I love working with elementary kids and teaching.  Having a demanding schedule makes the job much more difficult. There never seems to be enough time to administer the library, to work on collection development, or to plan creative library lessons.  But I keep a positive attitude and start each day hoping to make a difference!

There are a few reasons why I am taking this program.  First, the timing is perfect. Summer is ideal, no other work pressures to worry about.  Second, I like the idea of going at my own pace.  I can work on it everyday, or not.  I am going on vacation next week and can take it along, too. But most importantly, I hope to learn about tech tools and to be in the comfort zone by the end.

This first lesson was good.  I've been thinking about getting my kids to blog for a few years now, but wasn't quite sure how to get started.  So important to talk about cyber ettiquette first.  I like the idea of making a "poster paper" blog and having the kids add comments with sticky notes.

OK..I'm hitting "publish" we go!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congrats on hitting the Publish button. :) Well done. And thanks for your introduction, I love understanding how people feel about technology and what works best for them when learning.
